LVS Daily Recurring Investment Alerts
Daily Recurring Investment alert triggered for LVS from BATS exchange with previous bar data: open price 44.2, close price 44.41, high price 44.86, low price 44.17, volume 3165090.
Alerts for recurring investments, swing trading, and others from TradingView/other platforms.
Daily Recurring Investment alert triggered for LVS from BATS exchange with previous bar data: open price 44.2, close price 44.41, high price 44.86, low price 44.17, volume 3165090.
Daily Recurring Investment alert triggered for LYB from BATS exchange with previous bar data: open price 77.45, close price 77.33, high price 78.88, low price 76.8, volume 2535996.
Daily Recurring Investment alert triggered for LW from BATS exchange with previous bar data: open price 60.2, close price 60.72, high price 61.18, low price 59.52, volume 2060269.
Daily Recurring Investment alert triggered for LYFT from NASDAQ exchange with previous bar data: open price 13.76, close price 13.58, high price 13.885, low price 13.4133, volume 12512597.
Daily Recurring Investment alert triggered for LYV from BATS exchange with previous bar data: open price 90.93, close price 90.08, high price 92.145, low price 89.81, volume 1099915.
Daily Recurring Investment alert triggered for MA from BATS exchange with previous bar data: open price 437.4, close price 440.37, high price 442.23, low price 437.32, volume 1638476.
Daily Recurring Investment alert triggered for MAA from BATS exchange with previous bar data: open price 150.08, close price 153.35, high price 154.4, low price 150.08, volume 976235.
Daily Recurring Investment alert triggered for MAR from NASDAQ exchange with previous bar data: open price 270.08, close price 273.53, high price 273.9, low price 269.835, volume 1121751.
Daily Recurring Investment alert triggered for MAS from BATS exchange with previous bar data: open price 72.64, close price 74.38, high price 74.56, low price 72.61, volume 1271054.
Daily Recurring Investment alert triggered for LUV from BATS exchange with previous bar data: open price 24.62, close price 24.32, high price 25.04, low price 24.29, volume 4885914.