LVS Daily Recurring Investment Alerts

Daily Recurring Investment alert triggered for LVS from BATS exchange with previous bar data: open price 44.2, close price 44.41, high price 44.86, low price 44.17, volume 3165090.

LYB Daily Recurring Investment Alerts

Daily Recurring Investment alert triggered for LYB from BATS exchange with previous bar data: open price 77.45, close price 77.33, high price 78.88, low price 76.8, volume 2535996.

LW Daily Recurring Investment Alerts

Daily Recurring Investment alert triggered for LW from BATS exchange with previous bar data: open price 60.2, close price 60.72, high price 61.18, low price 59.52, volume 2060269.

LYFT Daily Recurring Investment Alerts

Daily Recurring Investment alert triggered for LYFT from NASDAQ exchange with previous bar data: open price 13.76, close price 13.58, high price 13.885, low price 13.4133, volume 12512597.

LYV Daily Recurring Investment Alerts

Daily Recurring Investment alert triggered for LYV from BATS exchange with previous bar data: open price 90.93, close price 90.08, high price 92.145, low price 89.81, volume 1099915.

MA Daily Recurring Investment Alerts

Daily Recurring Investment alert triggered for MA from BATS exchange with previous bar data: open price 437.4, close price 440.37, high price 442.23, low price 437.32, volume 1638476.

MAA Daily Recurring Investment Alerts

Daily Recurring Investment alert triggered for MAA from BATS exchange with previous bar data: open price 150.08, close price 153.35, high price 154.4, low price 150.08, volume 976235.

MAR Daily Recurring Investment Alerts

Daily Recurring Investment alert triggered for MAR from NASDAQ exchange with previous bar data: open price 270.08, close price 273.53, high price 273.9, low price 269.835, volume 1121751.

MAS Daily Recurring Investment Alerts

Daily Recurring Investment alert triggered for MAS from BATS exchange with previous bar data: open price 72.64, close price 74.38, high price 74.56, low price 72.61, volume 1271054.

LUV Daily Recurring Investment Alerts

Daily Recurring Investment alert triggered for LUV from BATS exchange with previous bar data: open price 24.62, close price 24.32, high price 25.04, low price 24.29, volume 4885914.