HYG Daily Recurring Investment Alerts

Daily Recurring Investment alert triggered for HYG from AMEX exchange with previous bar data: open price 78, close price 78.58, high price 78.67, low price 78, volume 60119682.

XLE Daily Recurring Investment Alerts

Daily Recurring Investment alert triggered for XLE from AMEX exchange with previous bar data: open price 83.31, close price 84.14, high price 84.43, low price 83.0902, volume 17421499.

IWM Daily Recurring Investment Alerts

Daily Recurring Investment alert triggered for IWM from AMEX exchange with previous bar data: open price 221.74, close price 221.385, high price 222.4, low price 219.38, volume 28389533.

EEM Daily Recurring Investment Alerts

Daily Recurring Investment alert triggered for EEM from AMEX exchange with previous bar data: open price 41.34, close price 41.27, high price 41.39, low price 41.14, volume 23158506.

QQQ Daily Recurring Investment Alerts

Daily Recurring Investment alert triggered for QQQ from NASDAQ exchange with previous bar data: open price 456.24, close price 458.66, high price 459.17, low price 452.23, volume 28532009.

XLF Daily Recurring Investment Alerts

Daily Recurring Investment alert triggered for XLF from AMEX exchange with previous bar data: open price 41.28, close price 41.19, high price 41.55, low price 41.03, volume 34796685.

SPY Daily Recurring Investment Alerts

Daily Recurring Investment alert triggered for SPY from AMEX exchange with previous bar data: open price 523.91, close price 530.65, high price 531.29, low price 521.84, volume 56453639.

MSFT Daily Recurring Investment Alerts

Daily Recurring Investment alert triggered for MSFT from NASDAQ exchange with previous bar data: open price 411.365, close price 417, high price 417.4, low price 411.06, volume 22134428. #msft #bullish