EXIT Strategy

The main ideology behind any trading system is your “edge”. My edge is to NOT have any positions at all by end of day OR as minimum as possible through automation. I am not good at holding long positions as it drives me crazy whenever there is a small dump in the market. Due to this I have decided to scalp as much possible during the normal trading time and stay cool for rest of the day/night. Automation is another key factor, as I have a full time job and it keeps my emotions on check.

To maintain my edge I buy in an uptrend and sell for marginal profits. By uptrend I mean few mins of good moving uptrend. And my marginal profits are less than 0.1% of the share value. For example, if AAPL is worth $300 when I buy, then I will limit sell for maximum 3 cents profit.

For getting in buy position I use built-in TradeStation strategies and TradingView alerts. For limit sell I use a very simple built-in strategy within TradeStation.

Of course you are free to decide your own “edge” and make sure you brutally test whatever you decide, its your hard earned money. Please remember when you do simulated/paper trading its just a very low level test as your order doesn’t go through the real order flow. So best advice is after simulated/paper trading please start your strategy with real money but with few shares and slowly increase the number of shares as you build your confidence.