TradingView TradeStation Algorithmic Trading System

TradingView TradeStation Algorithmic Trading System

The high level design is shown above. There are 2 crucial parts in the system: TradingView and TradeStation. TrustedSignals is a vendor whose BUY/SELL alerting system I’m currently using, which can be changed based on its performance.

TradingView is online charting software. TrustedSignals is provider of trading system built on top of TradingView. I will describe in detail how to get them in discount and setup these in later stories. TradingView have a feature to send Webhook alerts to external systems. I use this feature to send it to AWS Chalice.

I’m using AWS Chalice hosted in my VPS to get those alerts. Then those alerts are used to update text file as BUY. I wrote a custom strategy in TradeStation to read/update the file. If its a BUY signal it buys the stock and sets a limit sell with a small profit. Once its bought the file is updated as BOUGHT. When the stock is sold the file gets updated as SOLD.

The AWS Chalice only writes a BUY from webhook alert if there is a SOLD message in the text file. This is to avoid any duplicate BUY signals.